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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines, which is found in About the Journal.
  • If submitting to a peer-reviewed section of the journal, the instructions in Ensuring a Blind Review have been followed.
  • References are listed in the bibliography section at the end of the paper and footnotes  are  not  used  for citation purposes.
  • Illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points and enclosed as separate files.
  • Abstracts and keywords are written in two languages (a) Serbian, (b) English.

Author Guidelines

Papers  sent  to  Bankarstvo  Journal  must  be  original and previously unpublished. The author is liable for the data published in the text.

The papers are classified as: original scientific papers,  scientific  review  articles  and  expert articles.

The Editorial Office retains the right to return to the author the text which does not meet the set criteria, as inappropriate or requiring additional changes and amendments. In other words, no paper will undergo review unless it fulfils all the rules defined in the Instructions.

Papers   by   domestic   authors,   including   the   authors   from   Bosnia   and   Herzegovina,   Montenegro and Croatia, are to be submitted in Serbian and in English. If the paper in either of these languages is missing, the paper will be  returned  to  the  author  altogether.  Foreign  authors submit their papers in English.

Along with the paper, it is obligatory  to  submit  the  completed  Author’s  Personal  Data  form, to be found ????. The text itself should not contain any personal data since it is to be sent for anonymous review.

The first page must contain: the title, abstract, and keywords.

JEL classification is determined by the Editorial Office pursuant to the classification of the Journal of Economic Literature.

The  papers  are  reviewed  by  two  peer, independent reviewers. The reviewers receive the papers without any personal data on the authors. The final decision about whether the paper will be published or not is made by the Editor-in-Chief.

Plagiarism  testing  is  performed  after  the  paper gets positive reviews. The paper will be rejected if there is a detected case of plagiarism, auto-plagiarism or false authorship.

The authors receive two copies of the journal issue in which their contributory papers have been published.


We  kindly  ask  you  to  prepare  your  papers  strictly  in  accordance  with  the  following instructions, which equally  refer  to  the  texts  in  Serbian and in English:

  • The paper should be in A4 format, all margins 20mm.
  • The  paper  should  be  maximum  10  pages  long,  including  charts,  tables,  bibliography  and  other  appendices.  If the paper exceeds the given proportions in volume, the Editorial Office decides whether to publish it or not.
  • Font  and  font  size  for  the  entire  paper: exclusively Times New Roman, 10pt, with single spacing.
  • The  title  of  the  paper  should  be  short  and  concise.
  • Below the title the author is to write an abstract of up to 150 words.
  • The abstract is to be followed by up to 10 keywords, suitable for indexing and search purposes.
  • In  addition  to  the  main  title  (title  of  the  paper), use up to two levels of titles in the text, without numeration.
  • Each  paragraph  is  to  be  typed  from  the  beginning of the column (without tabulator).
  • If  the  text  is  accompanied  with  graphs or  charts,  please  designate  where  in  the paper  they  should  be  placed,  and  enclose  each  of  them  exclusively in  Word,  Excel  or  PowerPoint.
  • The author should also designate where in the  paper  photographs  should  be  placed,  submitting each of them as a separate file in the .eps or .tiff format, resolution 300 dpi.
  • A table must not exceed the margins in width, must not be longer than one page and must have the title and the source.
  • Text boxes are not to be used either in the text or in the tables.
  • Websites  are  to  be  typed  as  a  text,  not  as  a  hyperlink.
  • Please, correct all grammatical or typing errors.
  • When mentioned for the first time, the names of institutions are translated and the original name and abbreviation are given in brackets.
  • Footnotes  are  not  to  be  used  (please,  state  all  references  directly  in  the  text  and  in  the  bibliography at the end of the paper).
  • References in the text are given by putting the last name of the author and the year of publishing in brackets. The quoted parts of the text are marked by putting the last name of the author, year of publishing and number of the page from which the text is quoted in brackets. If there are two authors, they are both mentioned along with the year of publishing, and if there are three or more authors, only the first one is mentioned (last name of the first author + et al, along with the year of publishing). Each reference has to be cited in the bibliography, too.
  • Bibliography  is  to  be  listed  at  the  end  of  the  paper, according to the following citation style:
    • Books: Claessens R. (2006). Prevention of Money Laundering. Belgrade: Association of Serbian Banks
    • Journals: Pantelić S. (2013). Flavije Valerije Konstantin (306-337). Bankarstvo 42,  (4),  136-145.  (when  citing  from  electronic journals, the authors must add: the doi number of the cited article, if available, the appropriate web link and date of access)
    • Other sources: web pages (web link and date  of  access),  dissertations  (last  name,  first name, title, institution in which the PhD dissertation was presented, year), official publications (name of publication/organization/institution,  title,  place  of publishing, publisher, issue, year).
  • Other contributions to the journal must have up to 5 pages, must follow the technical instructions, do not undergo reviews, and the Editorial Office ranks and assignes them into the following categories:
    • Book review: the subscription title states the  author  of  the  book,  the  main  title  is  the title of the book itself, and the subtitle contains the data on the author, their title, institution in which they are employed, year  of  publishing  and  publisher.  The  author of the review signs his/her name at the end. The picture of the book cover is to be submitted in the format .eps or .jpg, resolution 300 dpi colour.
    • PhD dissertation review: the subscription title states the author of the dissertation, the main title is the title of the dissertation itself, and the subtitle contains the data on the author, their title, institution in which they   are   employed,   the   Presentation   Committee members, date and venue of the presentation. The author of the review signs his/her name at the end.
    • Conference review: the main title contains the  name  of  the  conference,  the  subtitle  contains  the  host,  date  and  venue.  The  author of the text signs his/her name at the end.

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.