ABSTRACT: Seasonality in tourism is a current topic in academic literature. The most popular definition of the seasonal movements in tourism is focused on distribution of the yearly movements of tourists, especially on seasonal movements, occupancy rates, as well as comings and goings of tourists to mountain resorts during the summer months, when, it is widely known, the focus is on sun and sand. Special attention is put on this part of the season, since it has been noticed that mountain resorts with stronger seasons during the winter, have deteriorating seasons during the summer.This also seems to be the case with mountain resort Kopaonik. Regardless of that, regular, stable, monthly and weekly variations are often present with tourist sector. In this paper the goal of the authors is to explain the possibilities and present a clear picture of mountain resort Kopaonik, which has clearly devided seasons. Using different statistical methods and tests, they will try to clarify the main problems that mountain resort Kopaonik is facing, and out of which reason the tourist seasons are devided.
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