• Sanja Petrović Pajić Univerzitet u Beogradu, Medicinski fakultet, Beograd, Srbija
Ključne reči: LHON, dijagnostika LHON, bilateralna optična neuropatija, LHON fenotip, LHON genotip, OCT, elektrofiziologija


Leberova hereditarna optička neuropatija (LHON) je mitohondrijsko neurodegenerativno oboljenje koje se prezentuje kao bezbolni, akutni ili subakutni gubitak centralnog vida.  Drugo oko obično biva zahvaćeno za nekoliko nedelja ili meseci (u proseku za 6 do 8 nedelja), dok je u oko 25% slučajeva oboljenje simultano bilateralno. Iako su opisani pojedinačni unilateralni slučajevi, kod 97% obolelih unutar godinu dana su oba oka zahvaćena.  Detaljna genetska analiza je neophodna u procesu dijagnostikovanja LHON. Između 75 - 90%  svih LHON slučajeva se dešava zbog jedne od tri mutacije u mitohondrijskoj DNK (mtDNK) koje su locirane na nukleotidima 11778, 14484 i 3460, mada i takozvane retke mutacije mogu da prouzrokuju nastanak LHON-a. Retke mutacije javljaju se u okviru pojedinih familija i uglavnom su heteroplazmične. U skorije vreme opisan je i takozvani autozomno recesivni LHON koji nastaje kao posledica mutacije u DNAJC30 genu sa identičnim osobinama, ali boljom prognozom u odnosu na mtLHON.


Cilj ovog mini revijskog rada je da prezentuje relevantne fenotipske, genotipske i biohemijske karakteristike LHON-a.


1.         Newman NJ, Lott MT, Wallace DC. The Clinical Characteristics of Pedigrees of Leber’s Hereditary Optic Neuropathy With the 11778 Mutation. Am J Ophthalmol. 1991 Jun;111(6):750–62.

2.         Newman NJ. Hereditary Optic Neuropathies: From the Mitochondria to the Optic Nerve. Am J Ophthalmol. 2005 Sep;140(3):517.e1-517.e9.

3.         Barboni P, Savini G, Valentino ML, La Morgia C, Bellusci C, De Negri AM, et al. Leber’s Hereditary Optic Neuropathy with Childhood Onset. Investig Opthalmology Vis Sci. 2006 Dec 1;47(12):5303.

4.         Majander A, Bowman R, Poulton J, Antcliff RJ, Reddy MA, Michaelides M, et al. Childhood-onset Leber hereditary optic neuropathy. Br J Ophthalmol. 2017 Nov;101(11):1505–9.

5.         Yu-Wai-Man P, Bateman DE, Hudson G, Griffiths PG, Chinnery PF. Leber Hereditary Optic Neuropathy Presenting in a 75-Year-Old Man. J Neuroophthalmol. 2008 Jun;28(2):155.

6.         Moura ALA, Nagy BV, La Morgia C, Barboni P, Oliveira AGF, Salomão SR, et al. The Pupil Light Reflex in Leber’s Hereditary Optic Neuropathy: Evidence for Preservation of Melanopsin-Expressing Retinal Ganglion Cells. Investig Opthalmology Vis Sci. 2013 Jul 2;54(7):4471.

7.         Riordan-Eva P, Harding AE. Leber’s hereditary optic neuropathy: the clinical relevance of different mitochondrial DNA mutations. J Med Genet. 1995 Feb 1;32(2):81–7.

8.         Rok Šega, Jan Burgar, Ana Fakin, Sanja Petrović Pajić, Marija Volk, Marko Hawlina, et al. Leber’s hereditary optic neuropathy – a review and prevalence analysis in the Slovenian population. Slov Med J [Internet]. 2022 Oct 31 [cited 2023 Feb 3];91(9–10). Available from:

9.         Valentino ML, Barboni P, Ghelli A, Bucchi L, Rengo C, Achilli A, et al. The ND1 gene of complex I is a mutational hot spot for Leber’s hereditary optic neuropathy. Ann Neurol. 2004 Nov;56(5):631–41.

10.       Achilli A, Iommarini L, Olivieri A, Pala M, Hooshiar Kashani B, Reynier P, et al. Rare Primary Mitochondrial DNA Mutations and Probable Synergistic Variants in Leber’s Hereditary Optic Neuropathy. Chan SSL, editor. PLoS ONE. 2012 Aug 3;7(8):e42242.

11.       Cruz-Bermúdez A, Vicente-Blanco RJ, Hernández-Sierra R, Montero M, Alvarez J, González Manrique M, et al. Functional Characterization of Three Concomitant MtDNA LHON Mutations Shows No Synergistic Effect on Mitochondrial Activity. Hejtmancik JF, editor. PLOS ONE. 2016 Jan 19;11(1):e0146816.

12.       Jarc-Vidmar M, Tajnik M, Brecelj J, Fakin A, Sustar M, Naji M, et al. Clinical and electrophysiology findings in Slovene patients with Leber hereditary optic neuropathy. Doc Ophthalmol. 2015 Jun;130(3):179–87.

13.       Gerber S, Ding MG, Gérard X, Zwicker K, Zanlonghi X, Rio M, et al. Compound heterozygosity for severe and hypomorphic NDUFS2 mutations cause non-syndromic LHON-like optic neuropathy. J Med Genet. 2017 May;54(5):346–56.

14.       Ji Y, Jia X, Li S, Xiao X, Guo X, Zhang Q. Evaluation of the X-linked modifier loci for Leber hereditary optic neuropathy with the G11778A mutation in Chinese. Mol Vis. 2010 Mar 11;16:416–24.

15.       Lopez Sanchez MIG, Kearns LS, Staffieri SE, Clarke L, McGuinness MB, Meteoukki W, et al. Establishing risk of vision loss in Leber hereditary optic neuropathy. Am J Hum Genet. 2021 Nov;108(11):2159–70.

16.       Carelli V, Achilli A, Valentino ML, Rengo C, Semino O, Pala M, et al. Haplogroup Effects and Recombination of Mitochondrial DNA: Novel Clues from the Analysis of Leber Hereditary Optic Neuropathy Pedigrees. Am J Hum Genet. 2006 Apr;78(4):564–74.

17.       Jacobi FK, Leo-Kottler B, Mittelviefhaus K, Zrenner E, Meyer J, Pusch CM, et al. Segregation Patterns and Heteroplasmy Prevalence in Leber’s Hereditary Optic Neuropathy. 2001;42(6):7.

18.       Yen M, Wang A, Wei Y. Leber’s hereditary optic neuropathy: A multifactorial disease. Prog Retin Eye Res. 2006 Jul;25(4):381–96.

19.       Baracca A, Solaini G, Sgarbi G, Lenaz G, Baruzzi A, Schapira AHV, et al. Severe Impairment of Complex I–Driven Adenosine Triphosphate Synthesis in Leber Hereditary Optic Neuropathy Cybrids. Arch Neurol. 2005 May 1;62(5):730.

20.       Danielson SR, Wong A, Carelli V, Martinuzzi A, Schapira AHV, Cortopassi GA. Cells Bearing Mutations Causing Leber’s Hereditary Optic Neuropathy Are Sensitized to Fas-induced Apoptosis. J Biol Chem. 2002 Feb;277(8):5810–5.

21.       Carelli V, Carbonelli M, de Coo IF, Kawasaki A, Klopstock T, Lagrèze WA, et al. International Consensus Statement on the Clinical and Therapeutic Management of Leber Hereditary Optic Neuropathy. J Neuroophthalmol. 2017 Dec;37(4):371–81.

22.       Savini G, Barboni P, Valentino M, Montagna P, Cortelli P, Denegri A, et al. Retinal nerve fiber layer evaluation by optical coherence tomography in unaffected carriers with Leber’s hereditary optic neuropathy mutations. Ophthalmology. 2005 Jan;112(1):127–31.

23.       Balducci N, Cascavilla ML, Ciardella A, La Morgia C, Triolo G, Parisi V, et al. Peripapillary vessel density changes in Leber’s hereditary optic neuropathy: a new biomarker. Clin Experiment Ophthalmol. 2018 Dec;46(9):1055–62.

24.       Barboni P, Carbonelli M, Savini G, Ramos C do VF, Carta A, Berezovsky A, et al. Natural History of Leber’s Hereditary Optic Neuropathy: Longitudinal Analysis of the Retinal Nerve Fiber Layer by Optical Coherence Tomography. Ophthalmology. 2010 Mar;117(3):623–7.

25.       Hwang TJ, Karanjia R, Moraes-Filho MN, Gale J, Tran JS, Chu ER, et al. Natural History of Conversion of Leber’s Hereditary Optic Neuropathy. Ophthalmology. 2017 Jun;124(6):843–50.

26.       Zeviani M, Carelli V. Mitochondrial Retinopathies. Int J Mol Sci. 2021 Dec 25;23(1):210.

27.       Barboni P, Savini G, Valentino M, Montagna P, Cortelli P, Denegri A, et al. Retinal nerve fiber layer evaluation by optical coherence tomography in Leber’s hereditary optic neuropathy. Ophthalmology. 2005 Jan;112(1):120–6.

28.       Barboni P, Amore G, Cascavilla ML, Battista M, Frontino G, Romagnoli M, et al. The pattern of retinal ganglion cell loss in Wolfram syndrome is distinct from mitochondrial optic neuropathies. Am J Ophthalmol. 2022 Apr;S0002939422001192.

29.       Petrovic Pajic S, Lapajne L, Vratanar B, Fakin A, Jarc-Vidmar M, Sustar Habjan M, et al. The Relative Preservation of the Central Retinal Layers in Leber Hereditary Optic Neuropathy. J Clin Med. 2022 Oct 13;11(20):6045.

30.       Zhang Y, Huang H, Wei S, Gong Y, Li H, Dai Y, et al. Characterization of macular thickness changes in Leber’s hereditary optic neuropathy by optical coherence tomography. BMC Ophthalmol. 2014 Dec;14(1):105.

31.       Hrynchak PK, Spafford MM. Visual Recovery in a Patient with Leber Hereditary Optic Neuropathy and the 14484 Mutation: Optom Vis Sci. 1994 Oct;71(10):604–12.

32.       Ziccardi L, Sadun F, De Negri AM, Barboni P, Savini G, Borrelli E, et al. Retinal Function and Neural Conduction Along the Visual Pathways in Affected and Unaffected Carriers With Leber’s Hereditary Optic Neuropathy. Investig Opthalmology Vis Sci. 2013 Oct 21;54(10):6893.

33.       Majander A, Robson AG, João C, Holder GE, Chinnery PF, Moore AT, et al. The pattern of retinal ganglion cell dysfunction in Leber hereditary optic neuropathy. Mitochondrion. 2017 Sep;36:138–49.

34.       Sharkawi E, Oleszczuk JD, Holder GE, Raina J. Clinical and electrophysiological recovery in Leber hereditary optic neuropathy with G3460A mutation. Doc Ophthalmol. 2012 Aug;125(1):71–4.

35.       Pajic SP, Barboni M, Habjan MS, Hawlina M. Leber hereditary optic neuropathy ( LHON ): Retinal structure and function correlations. Acta Ophthalmol (Copenh). 2022 Dec;100(S275):j.1755-3768.2022.0678.

36.       Miyata K, Nakamura M, Kondo M, Lin J, Ueno S, Miyake Y, et al. Reduction of Oscillatory Potentials and Photopic Negative Response in Patients with Autosomal Dominant Optic Atrophy with OPA1 Mutations. Investig Opthalmology Vis Sci. 2007 Feb 1;48(2):820.

37.       Zekonyte U, Bacman SR, Smith J, Shoop W, Pereira CV, Tomberlin G, et al. Mitochondrial targeted meganuclease as a platform to eliminate mutant mtDNA in vivo. Nat Commun. 2021 Dec;12(1):3210.

38.       Vignal C, Uretsky S, Fitoussi S, Galy A, Blouin L, Girmens JF, et al. Safety of rAAV2/2-ND4 Gene Therapy for Leber Hereditary Optic Neuropathy. Ophthalmology. 2018 Jun;125(6):945–7.

39.       Newman NJ, Yu-Wai-Man P, Carelli V, Moster ML, Biousse V, Vignal-Clermont C, et al. Efficacy and Safety of Intravitreal Gene Therapy for Leber Hereditary Optic Neuropathy Treated within 6 Months of Disease Onset. Ophthalmology. 2021 May;128(5):649–60.

40.       Yu-Wai-Man P, Newman NJ, Carelli V, Moster ML, Biousse V, Sadun AA, et al. Bilateral visual improvement with unilateral gene therapy injection for Leber hereditary optic neuropathy. Sci Transl Med. 2020 Dec 9;12(573):eaaz7423.

41.       Yu-Wai-Man P, Griffiths PG, Hudson G, Chinnery PF. Inherited mitochondrial optic neuropathies. J Med Genet. 2008 Mar 18;46(3):145–58.

42.       Korsten A, de Coo IFM, Spruijt L, de Wit LEA, Smeets HJM, Sluiter W. Patients with Leber hereditary optic neuropathy fail to compensate impaired oxidative phosphorylation. Biochim Biophys Acta BBA - Bioenerg. 2010 Feb;1797(2):197–203.

43.       Lin CS, Sharpley MS, Fan W, Waymire KG, Sadun AA, Carelli V, et al. Mouse mtDNA mutant model of Leber hereditary optic neuropathy. Proc Natl Acad Sci. 2012 Dec 4;109(49):20065–70.

44.       Borrás C, Sastre J, García-Sala D, Lloret A, Pallardó FV, Viña J. Mitochondria from females exhibit higher antioxidant gene expression and lower oxidative damage than males. Free Radic Biol Med. 2003 Mar;34(5):546–52.

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46.       Zanna C, Ghelli A, Porcelli AM, Martinuzzi A, Carelli V, Rugolo M. Caspase-independent death of Leber’s hereditary optic neuropathy cybrids is driven by energetic failure and mediated by AIF and Endonuclease G. Apoptosis. 2005 Oct;10(5):997–1007.

47.       Zanna C, Ghelli A, Porcelli AM, Carelli V, Martinuzzi A, Rugolo M. Apoptotic Cell Death of Cybrid Cells Bearing Leber’s Hereditary Optic Neuropathy Mutations Is Caspase Independent. Ann N Y Acad Sci. 2003 Dec;1010(1):213–7.

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49.       Cortopassi G, Danielson S, Alemi M, Zhan SS, Tong W, Carelli V, et al. Mitochondrial disease activates transcripts of the unfolded protein response and cell cycle and inhibits vesicular secretion and oligodendrocyte-specific transcripts. Mitochondrion. 2006 Aug;6(4):161–75.

50.       Carelli V, Ross-Cisneros FN, Sadun AA. Mitochondrial dysfunction as a cause of optic neuropathies. Prog Retin Eye Res. 2004 Jan;23(1):53–89.

51.       Danese A, Patergnani S, Maresca A, Peron C, Raimondi A, Caporali L, et al. Pathological mitophagy disrupts mitochondrial homeostasis in Leber’s hereditary optic neuropathy. Cell Rep. 2022 Jul;40(3):111124.

52.       Giordano C, Iommarini L, Giordano L, Maresca A, Pisano A, Valentino ML, et al. Efficient mitochondrial biogenesis drives incomplete penetrance in Leber’s hereditary optic neuropathy. Brain. 2014 Feb;137(2):335–53.

53.       15th EUNOS Congress. Neuro-Ophthalmol. 2022 Jun 13;46(sup1):1–139.

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