• Ivana Vladimirović Academy of Vocational Studies Šabac
  • Jelena Jevtić Academy of Vocational Studies Šabac
Keywords: branding, wine, autochthonous sorts, Serbia, global market, positioning, authenticity, comparative analysis


The purpose of the academic study is establishing a clear vision and objective in the process of Serbian wine branding in the demanding international market. Wines produced with as few oenological interventions or manipulations as possible, combined with a significant amount of faith and quality assurance certainly make a good foundation for success. The comparative method with the viticultural and winemaking situation in Croatia has been applied. The wines made from local and indigenous sorts have the greatest chance of the global market positioning. The indigenous sorts of wine, Tamjanika and Prokupac may be a significant brand in Serbian wine and gastronomic offer, as well as an ideal opportunity for a creative performance which must be accompanied with an elegant wine label and luxurious package. A very good quality of our indigenous sorts of grapes is often hidden by excessive barricading and attempts to create a spectacular sort of wine, which contributes to loss of authenticity. It is possible to overcome the former branding deficiencies in the demanding and quite saturated markets through joint and planned activity, by grouping all the countries in the Balkans region, which is a familiar term to the consumers in the global market.

Author Biographies

Ivana Vladimirović, Academy of Vocational Studies Šabac

Ivana Vladimirović, MSc, Lecturer

Department of Agricultural Business Studies and Tourism

Jelena Jevtić, Academy of Vocational Studies Šabac

Jevtić Jelena, PhD, Senior Lecturer

Department of Medical and Business Technology Studies

Review Paper