Open Access Policy

This journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle of the signed contracts with the publishers.

Publication Ethics

The Journal Sinteze respects the ethical publication of scientific works. The editorial board of the journal is aware of the importance of preventing abuse in the publication of scientific papers. Authors and reviewers, together with the editors, have a role in preventing the misuse of scientific work. Authors, when submitting a paper for publication in a journal, must sign a Statement on the originality of the paper, which includes confirmation of the following: 

  • that the article submitted for publication in the journal "Sinteze" is solely my authorship / co-authorship, 
  • that all authors have seen and approved the manuscript submitted to the editors of the journal "Sinteze",
  • that the article does not infringe the copyright or rights of any third party,
  • that the article has not been submitted for peer review, nor is it in the process of peer review, nor has it been accepted for publication in another journal, until the editor/secretary of the journal "Sinteze" notifies the author/s of the final decision to publish the article,
  • that it has not been published under the submitted, or under any other title, in any scientific journal and that, if accepted, it will not be published elsewhere in the same form, in the same language or in any other language,
  • that the rules of scientific methodology were respected in terms of citing other author's sources and statements,
  • that the research in the paper is original and that all the data stated in the article are true and authentic,
  • that the authors transfer the copyright in respect of the submitted work to the journal.

Reviewrs should comply with the following:

  • that the work has been impartially reviewed solely on the basis of scientific content and regardless of the gender, race, origin, religion, citizenship or political values ​​of the author.
  • that the reviewers are anonymous, which includes the obligation of the reviewers not to transmit information about the work that is the subject of the review,
  • that reviewers must convey all relevant information related to the decision to publish the paper to the editor.

The editors must respect the following:

  • that all papers have been submitted to independent and author anonymous reviewers and that they have been evaluated by the editors on the basis of scientific content and regardless of gender, race, origin, religion, citizenship or political values ​​of the authors.


Authors must ensure that only those who contributed significantly to the submission are listed as authors and, conversely, all contributors who contributed significantly to the submission are listed as authors. 

To be named on the list, an author must:

  • make a significant contribution to the conception or design of the work; or collecting, analyzing or interpreting data for work; and 
  • contribute to the compilation of a publication, or revise it critically for important intellectual content;
  • provide final approval of the version of the paper to be published; and
  • to be responsible for all aspects of the work in ensuring that questions relating to the accuracy or integrity of any part of the work are properly investigated and resolved; and
  • agree to be named on the list of authors and approve the list of named authors.

All authors of the article are obliged to sign the Authorship Statement and submit it to the Editorial Board when submitting the article.

Privacy Statement

Names, e-mail addresses and other personal data of the authors will be used exclusively within the service for electronic editing of the journal and will not be forwarded to anyone else.