Corrective defectological work in the context of inclusive education (the perspective of service providers)

  • Marinela N Šćepanović Društvo defektologa Vojvodine, Novi Sad
Keywords: students with disabilities, corrective work, aditional support, special education, inclusive context,


Corrective defectological or special educationl work is one of the most important approaches in the education and rehabilitation of children with disabilities and developmental disorders, regardless of whether these children are educated in special or general conditions. Corrective work, additional support, compulsory extracurricular individual activities or corrective stimulating exercises - are all examples of individual special educational work based on the specific educational needs and abilities of each individual child. The benefits and values of applying individual special educational work in special education and rehabilitation are numerous; the focus on one student/user, as given by the very nature of this type of teaching or work, is not only a simple spatial orientation of a higher degree but also a new type of relationship, communication and interaction that creates a new quality and development in the discovery and perception of the world around these students/users. Individual special educational work, as an approach, exists as a part of the special educational system that is focused on the education of students with disabilities, in so-called special schools, for more than 15 years, but it is largely neglected as the existing possibility in the mainstreem educational system, in all educational institutions where children and students with disabilities and developmental difficulties learn in inclusive context. Inclusive education in Serbia, which still faces numerous challenges, should use all available resources in an adequate way. Corrective defectological or special educational work is an insufficiently used inclusive resource in our environment and our educational system.

Author Biography

Marinela N Šćepanović, Društvo defektologa Vojvodine, Novi Sad
Student doktorskih studija na Fakultetu za specijalnu edukaciju i rehabilitaciju Univerziteta u Beogradu


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