Multi - Criteria Ranking of the Danube Water Quality on its Course Through Serbia

  • Ivana I. Mladenović-Ranisavljević Univerzitet u Nišu, Tehnološki fakultet Leskovac.
  • Ljiljana Takić University of Niš, Faculty of Technology Leskovac, Serbia
  • Milovan Vuković Technical faculty Bor, University of Belgrade
  • Đorđe Nikolić Technical faculty Bor, University of Belgrade
  • Nenad Živković Faculty of Occupational Safety, University of Niš
  • Peđa Milosavljević Mechanical Engineering Faculty, University of Niš


This paper presents the results of multi-criteria ranking of the Danube water quality along its course through Serbia by using PROMETHEE/GAIA method. The ranking was based on the values of the water quality parameters measured at eight measuring stations on the Danube River in 2010. For the purposes of the investigation, ten water quality parameters that indicate physical, chemical and microbiological characteristics of water were selected. These parameters are also used in the WQI (Water Quality Index) methodology in determining the overall water quality. The results show that the water quality on the exit profile is better than the quality of the water at the entrance profile.


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