Adaptation of the HP Life program for promotion of the entrepreneurship among young people

  • Ivan Mihajlović Univerzitet u Beogradu, Tehnički fakultet u Boru
  • Živan Živković University of Belgrade, Technical Faculty in Bor
  • Đorđe Nikolić University of Belgrade, Technical Faculty in Bor


This text is dealing with attempt of Management department, of Technical faculty in Bor, to develop and further sustain the „entrepreneurial spirit“among young people. The subject of the paper is the HP LIFE program, in which Technical faculty in Bor is the only partner institution from Serbia. Besides up-to-date IT equipment obtained by Hewlett Packard in previous phases of this project, during 2012 this project was financially sustained by the Serbian institution „Centre for promotion of science“. This support will increase the scope of project activities during this year, including new target groups.


Mihajlović, I., Živković, Ž., Project GET-IT: Serbia. Serbian Journal of Management, 3 (2) (2008), 223 – 235.

Obradović, S., Fedajev, A., Nikolić, Đ., Analysis of Business Environment Using the Multi-Criteria Approach - Case of Balkan's Transition Economies, Serbian Journal of Management, 7 (1) (2012), 37 – 52.

The Guardian:

US bureau of labor statistics:

HP LIFE official site:

Center for promotion of science of Serbia:

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