The Influence of Physical Exercise on Improvement of Cognitive Functions

  • Stanislava Popov Fakultet za sport i turizam, Novi Sad
  • Ivana D. Jakovljev


This paper reviews contemporary studies about the influence of physical exercise on human cognitive functioning. One of the aims of the interdisciplinary neuroscience that connects psychology, medicine and sport, is on discovering the mechanisms by which physical exercise might improve cognitive functioning across the lifespan, especially in the old age, when cognitive efficiency naturally decreases. Studies have shown that physical exercise produces cognitive benefit over the lifetime both directly through physiological mechanisms and structural brain changes, and indirectly, through the mood improvement and stress reduction. However, studies have shown that the effects of physical exercise depend on the exercise intensity- while moderate physical activity has a positive impact on the cognitive functioning, the high-intensity exercise shows the reversed effect. Also, studies have suggested that the effect of physical exercise on cognitive functioning depends on the type of physical activity. Overall, studies have demostrated that physical exercise may produce positive effects on different cognitive processes, but still have not provided a clear mechanism underlying this influence. Also, exsisting studies have not revealed to what extent the various physical activities differ in their effects and whether such effects are specific, or they might be beneficial for cognitive functioning in general.

Key words: physical exercise, cognitive functions, aging

Author Biographies

Stanislava Popov, Fakultet za sport i turizam, Novi Sad
Katedra za sport i psihologiju, Doc.dr
Ivana D. Jakovljev

Laboratorija za eksperimentalnu psihologiju, Filozofski fakultet, Novi Sad


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