• Nikolina Huđin Umjetnička udruga “Korak”
  • Dragan Glavaš Hrvatsko katoličko sveučilište
  • Mario Pandžić Hrvatsko katoličko sveučilište
Keywords: youth, contact sports, non-contact sports, aggressiveness


On-field aggressive behaviour is often seen in sports, and numerous theories sought to identify its origins. This study tackled the question on whether the contact and non-contact sports youth athletes could be differentiated on the basis of both hostile and competitive aggression, and some other characteristics that showed to be related to aggressive on-field behaviour. The study sample comprised 154 (51% boys) young athletes from various contact and non-contact disciplines (wrestling, boxing, taekwondo, football, swimming, athletics, and dance) aged between 10 and 15 years. Participants completed several measures regarding their aggressive behaviour, motivation, anxiety, self-esteem and emotional regulation. Only the competitive, but not hostile, aggression was more present within the contact youth athletes. From all other characteristics, self-esteem, albeit in a lower extent, predicted non-contact sports group membership.


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