• Valentina Đorić Fakultet za sport i turizam
  • Violeta Petković Učiteljski fakultet, Univerzitet Edukons
Keywords: Key words: Active learning, Teaching, Methodology, ESL


This article represents a methodological overview of how active teaching and learning methods by Ivan Ivić et al. (2001) can be applied in the ESL classes with the psychology students at the university level. Each element of the active teaching methodology will be placed in the context of the English Language class with the students of Psychology. These key elements include student interaction, student initiative, explorative talk, methods of revision and evaluation etc. The aim is to incorporate various ESL class activities and resources that correspond to the active learning model which as a result contribute to a higher level of learning and engagement of the students. Additionally, the emphasis will be on the main language skills which include reading, listening, writing and speaking that are developed in the setting of active teaching methodology.


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