• Andrija Atanasković Fakultet sporta i fizičkog vaspitanja, Niš
  • Martin Georgiev Fakultet sporta i fizičkog vaspitanja, Niš


Vertical jumps are an integral part of many sport activities.
There are several factors that affect the athlete's jumping ability: strength, force and acceleration that occurs when jumping. The jump is a complex and more articulated activity that requires not only strength but great power as well. The main types of training to increase explosive strength and plyometric training are classic strength trainings of the lower extremities. The aim of this study was to determine the effect of strength training on explosive strength of the lower extremities. The first group is the control group (K), while the second group is an experimental group (E) each of eighteen respondents. Using the Myotest and performing the squat jump (SJ) were determined: Height, Power, Force, Velocity. The program of power lasted for six weeks, twice a week for up to 60 minutes. We conclude that there is a statistically significant difference between the final and initial measurements in the experimental group, the multivariate level sig = 0.000. Increase in jump height ΔHeight = 3.28 in cm, force ΔForce = 4.68 in N/kg, the strength ΔPower = 6.18 in W/kg, the acceleration ΔVelocity = 21.8 in cm/s. The results of this study show that strength training has a positive impact on the explosive power of the lower extremities.This research was carried out against children aged 11 to 14 years, so we cannot say with certainty that this type of program can have identical effects on   athletes.


Keywords: Explosive power, Program, Myotest, Vertical jump, Extremities

Author Biographies

Andrija Atanasković, Fakultet sporta i fizičkog vaspitanja, Niš
Student Doktorskih akademskih studija
Martin Georgiev, Fakultet sporta i fizičkog vaspitanja, Niš
Student Doktorskih akademskih studija


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