Literary Criticism of Milenko Maticki

  • Milutin B. Đuričković Academy of Applied Preschool Teaching and Health Studies, Kruševac, Aleksinac Department
Keywords: literary criticism, poetics, style, language


The main purpose of this paper is to enlighten literary critical thought and work of Milenko Maticki (1936-2001), a well-known writer for young people, as well as for adults. In the constant touch with literature, and in the capacity of editor of Politics for Children, Maticki based his literary-critical contributions on strict selection and valid aesthetic-artistic criteria, showing his poetic affinities and good knowledge of literary theoretical and methodological parameters, which confirmed his creative agility and presence on the ex-Yugoslav literary scene. The paper shows that the literary criticism of Milenko Maticki, despite its professional quality and undoubted value, stayed in the shadow of his prose for young readers.


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Review Paper