Nikolay Pavlovich Ignatyev and Cretan Revolt (1866–1869)

  • Maja R. Antić University of East Sarajevo, Faculty of Philosophy, Department of History and Archaeology
Keywords: Nikolay Pavlovich Ignatyev, Cretan Revolt, Porta, Paris Conference


The Cretan Revolt (1866–1869) is part of a broader Christian liberation movement that emerged in the mid-19th century in the Balkans, representing a crucial phase in the long-standing struggle of the Cretans for liberation from Ottoman rule. At the outbreak of the uprising in Crete, Russia was focused on internal reforms, and its Balkan policy aimed to preserve the status quo. However, within Russian diplomacy, a faction aligned with the Slavophiles supported the national movements in the Balkans and encouraged their liberation plans. One of the diplomats closely associated with the Slavophiles was the Russian ambassador in Constantinople, N. P. Ignatiyev, whose diplomacy was centered on collaborating with Christians in Turkey and advancing their liberation efforts. Consequently, the scope of his diplomatic engagement in all matters related to the position of Christians led to the observation that he did not consistently adhere to the instructions from the government in Petrograd. This practice of the Russian representative became particularly apparent in relation to the events in Crete between 1866 and 1869.


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Original Scientific Paper