• Veselin Jovović 2Faculty of Sports and Physical Education of the University of Montenegro,
  • Radomir Čanjak
  • Milovan Stamatović


The main aim of the research is to determine the frequency, severity, structure, and possible differences of spinal disorders among the girls from urban and rural areas in Montenegro. Research of transversal character included 155 female respondents, 77 of whom were from urban and 78 from rural areas, the average age 13.7 years. The analysis of scoliotic disorders was performed by using several combined techniques and methods of measurement: somatoscopy method, method by using plumb line and ruler, test of raising hand on the concave side of the body, Adams test, test of "voluntary" muscle contraction and higher position test (Koturović & Jeričević, 1998; Živković, 1998; Radisavljević, 2001; Jovović, 2008). Frequency distribution of interrupted statistical series has been calculated for all postural variables and their variations. The differences between the subsamples of respondents were tested using the chi-square test. The results of the research indicate that the frequency of scoliotic disorders is present in great number of younger respondents in Montenegro. Statistically significant differences have not been confirmed between the respondents from urban and rural areas.  The research showed that the largest percentage of deviations from the functional disorders, in both subsamples, which can be successfully corrected with the adequate application of physical treatments.


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Original Scientific Paper