• Adina Baciu Institute of Anthropology Francisc I. Rainer of the Romanian Academy, Bucharest, Romania


This paper aims to present several causes that generate an increasing consumption of illegal drugs in Europe and Romania, as well as some aspects of how young people perceive the medical and psychosocial effects of this expenditure. Also, the study will present a series of arguments for which illicit drug use is associated with an anthropological phenomenon. A total of 30 students from the Faculty of Medicine took part in this qualitative study, conducted between April and June 2017. The students were female and male, Romanian and other. The sampling was random, on a voluntary basis, while respecting the ethics of research. Subjects could withdraw at any time of the study. The structured interview method was used. The increased incidence of drug use may be due to the rebellious nature and curiosity of adolescents, but also to the exponential growth of stress, people looking for the pleasure and ecstasy that drug use offers them. Most of the interviewed students said they would recognize an illegal drug quite hard, that they were tempted and had the opportunity to consume illicit drugs, but either refused or tried several times. Most have said that drug use and abuse would radically change their personal and professional lives and cause sadness in their families. The common areas where drugs can be consumed are small joints, clubs, pubs, parks (at night), train stations or on the beach. Illegal drug use is considered an anthropological phenomenon because it can be perceived as a "fashionable" thing by young people who want more independence. Illegal drug use, as an anthropological phenomenon influenced by cultural evolution and socio-economic conditions, has no benefit for health, for family, and society. Students participating in the study were well informed about illicit drug use, but it is noted that there is a need for ongoing information activity, as it has been noticed that at this level there is a lack of data to help them recognize a drug.


Baciu A, Pungă A. Ethical implications of a quantitative study that analyzes the drug consumers from a Bucharest neighborhood, Romanian Journal of Legal Medicine, 2017; [25], Vol. XXV, No 1:113-119, DOI: 10.4323/rjlm.2017.113,, ISSN 1221-8618 (print), ISSN 1844-8585 (online).

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Original Scientific Paper