Dispatcher-assisted resuscitation - EuReCa_Serbia 2014-2019
There are studies that indicate that dispatcher-guided CPR increases survival in Out-Of-Hospital cardiac arrest (OHCA). In this study, we observed the role of dispatcher lead CPR in OHCA and determined it’s influence on return of spontaneous circulation and survival.
Data was collected via the National OHCA Registry Serbia.
The collected results were obtained from 40/179 municipalities, 48.7% of the population in Serbia. In the period of 2014 – 2019. 6312 OHCA were registered. A witness was present in 3655/6312 (57,91%) patients. Witness-CPR was performed in 365/3655 (9,99%) events, dispatch CPR was applied in 197/365 (53,9%) cases. The calculated chance for the ROSC is 1,2 higher when the dispatcher was leading the CPR compared to cases
where the witness-CPR was performed without dispatchers assistance (OR = 1,128; 95%CI = 0,685–1,913).
In observed data of the National OHCA Registry Serbia, the results indicate that the outcome was insignificantly improved compared to ROSC and survival rate when dispatch-lead-CPR was performed. There is no specific dispatcher education program in Serbia and that fact should be investigate in purpose of further results and activities.
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