• Milena Đokić Medicinski fakultet u Beogradu, Katedra za medicinsku statistiku i informatiku
  • Ana Djokic Faculty of Medicine University of Belgrade
  • Tamara Stanisavljevic Faculty of Medicine University of Belgrade
  • Nikola Milic Faculty of Medicine University of Belgrade
  • Jelena Milin Lazovic Faculty of Medicine University of Belgrade
Keywords: information, medical students, pandemic, COVID-19


Introduction: Relevant information about COVID-19 is crucial for disease prevention and its spread. The aim of this study was to assess sources of information among medical students during the COVID-19 pandemic. Material and methods: This cross-sectional study was conducted on 373 students of the Faculty of Medicine University of Belgrade. The anonymous questionnaire consisted of 3 parts: socio-demographic characteristics, information sources and the attitude towards available information about COVID-19. Questionnaire was available online during January 2021.Results: At the beginning of the pandemic, most students informed several times a day (37.5%), latter it would drop to beeing informed several times a week (33.8%) (p<0.05). Television and official websites were stated as the main information sources during the pandemic. Students of IV-VI year of medical school significantly more often informed themselves from official websites in contrast to I-III year students (75.5% vs 61.6%, p=0.014). More than 2/3 of the students stated that the information about the coronavirus is accurate and up-to-date, but only a third were satisfied with the information during the pandemic.Conclusion: The most common source of information among medical students during COVID-19 pandemic was television. The interest in being informed about the pandemic has decreased since its onset. Only a third of respondents were satisfied with the information availability during the pandemic.

Author Biographies

Ana Djokic, Faculty of Medicine University of Belgrade


Tamara Stanisavljevic, Faculty of Medicine University of Belgrade


Nikola Milic, Faculty of Medicine University of Belgrade


Jelena Milin Lazovic, Faculty of Medicine University of Belgrade

teaching assistant


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