Analysis of Patients’ Satisfaction With the Work of Family Medicine Teams at the Primary Healthcare Center in Banja Luka
Introduction: The primary healthcare reform in Bosnia
and Herzegovina began in 1999. The focus was on the
introduction of family medicine, in comparison to the existing
dispensary model of care based on the practice of general
medicine. The reform is an ongoing process, and all changes
are being implemented to improve patients’ satisfaction. Our
objective is to analyze patients’ satisfaction and the impact of
socio-demographic factors on patients’ satisfaction with the
work of family medicine teams.
Methods: This research is an observational and
descriptive study conducted in family medicine clinics
of the Primary Healthcare Centre in Banja Luka
from February 1st to April 1st 2022.
The data was gathered using the EUROPEP questionnaire
which is a standardized instrument for the evaluation
of patients’ satisfaction with primary healthcare, as well as
a questionnaire with socio-demographic information. The
study comprised 250 patients from family medicine clinics
in the city, suburbs, and countryside.
Results: The analysis of 250 questionnaires has provided
answers to 23 questions in the EUROPEP instrument
assessing four domains: doctor-patient relation X̅ (4.22) SD
(0.85); medical care X̅ (4.32) SD (0.90); information and
support X̅ (4.04) SD (0.94); and organization of services X̅
(3.81) SD (0.98). Socio-demographic and other patient characteristics
greatly impact family medicine patients’ satisfaction
with healthcare services.
Conclusions: In general, the patients are satisfied with
the care provided by the family medicine teams of the Primary
Healthcare Centre in Banja Luka, and least satisfied with
the organization of services. According to individual questions
in the EUROPEP questionnaire, the patients are most
unsatisfied with reaching their doctors by phone, receiving
advice from them, spending a lot of time waiting in the waiting
rooms, and scheduling their appointments.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Dragan Milojević, Kosana Stanetić, Suzana Savić, Verica Petrović
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