General principals of emergency poisoning treatment in the general practice office – challanges and obstacles
Introduction. Timely recognition of acute or chronic
poisoning, as well as the pharmacodynamic mechanisms and
pathophysiology of poisoning, is of the utmost importance in
the general practice office.
Objective. We aimed to find out the rate of awareness
and education of primary healthcare physicians on necessary
measures in the case of poisoning treatment.
Method. Physicans working in general practice in the
Republic of Serbia were sent an electronic questionnaire ’’Urgent
poisoning treatment in the general practice office’’. The
questionnaire had 13 questions referring to the physician’s
practical experience.
Results. The rise of medication, product, and biological
substance poisoning rate was registered at the primary
healthcare level in the last five years and it went from 0,14 to
0,21. Poisoning with non-medical substances is on the steep
decline, from 0,30 to 0,19 per 1000 inhabitants. We followed
the experience of general physicians (GPs) from outpatient
clinics, concerning the cases of acute and chronic poisoning,
by examining the questionnaire which showed 71,43% of
GPs met with this condition. Physicans were more likely to
be met with accidental poisoning (41,07%), while (21,43%)
were met with multiple intentional poisonings. A larger percentage
of these cases (44,65%) were treated on-site. About
the existence of the National Poisoning Control Center knew
53,57% of physicans and 58,93% were familiar with detoxication
measures. Additional expertise in the area of poisoning
is necessary in the opinion of 75% of physicians.
Discussion. Poison intake, in different ways, into a
body, may cause a patient’s death if not recognized on time,
at the initial encounter in the general physician’s office.
Conclusion. Awareness and education of the GPs in
the outpatient clinics, as well as, readiness to learn additional
skills proved to be an important factor in taking care of poisoned
patients who call on their GPs first. Continuous education
is a necessary measure for the improvement of healthcare
quality in the treatment of acute and chronic poisoning.
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