Primacy within the Church. Ecclesiological Presumptions and Church Practice in the First Millennium (Orthodox Aspect)
For the right understanding of primacy within the Church and of Church practice in relation to primacy before the Great Schism of 1054, it is necessary, to consider two problems: perception of the Church, and perception of Apostolic Succession‑Tradition in Church history of the first millennium. The Synod deals with matters which insure Eucharistic unity in the form of Apostolic Tradition. However, Apostolic Tradition in all its aspects: in consecration of bishops, in teaching, and in its missionary activity, is always connected with the Eucharist with which it is being identified.
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Ζηζιούλας, Ι. (2014). Το Μυστήριο της Εκκλησίας και το Μυστήριο της Αγίας Τριάδος. Саборност, 8, 43–52.
Мидић, И. (2015). Историја и Есхатон. Саборност, 9, 1–24.
Мидич, И. (2013). Православное богословие сегодня — Проблемы и перспективы. Саборност, 7, 7–17.
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