Symbolic Aspects of the Gnoseology of the Cosmological Events

  • Предраг Петровић University of Belgrade, Faculty of Orthodox Theology, Belgrade


Unifying the effect of divine providence is manifested in the individual symbolic aspects of the structure of existence set by God. No created existence is a goal to itself. No event is within the dynamics of the created existence is meaningless, nor is it self‑sufficient. Community with God is the only true objective of historical events within the universal divine history of salvation. Creation more often than not announces dramatic events, which is why the issue of understanding the effects of divine providence creation remains open in such events. Researchers of dramatic historical events have listed a multitude of indicators by setting a requirement to define the causes of such events. Biblical texts provide proof of unusual movements of creation, as well as of the final origin of the dramatic historical events. The Lord does not interrupt the effects of the history of his salvation even in the case of dramatic historical circumstances. Instead, by announcing those very events through which the Church has to go within the world after the fall, our Lord leads the chosen ones towards the promised resurrection of the dead and the life of the age to come.


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