Possibilities of Christian Theological Thinking in Postmodernity
The author tries to answer the question posed in the title of this essay — is it possible, from the Christian position today, even to think theologically about certain problems due to the very strong and quite often imperceptible drift mentality of the postmodern religiosity. Subsequent to the initial highlighting of a difficult position of the Christian theologian, an insight into European secularization, along with the ongoing processes of de-secularization, is being given here, followed by a “return of the holly” into the public sphere. This insight is achieved through the results of a research in religiosity, as in Europe, so is it, even in more detail through the results of the latest survey of religiosity, in Serbia. The author holds that there are certain reasons for optimism, if one compares the current situation with the situation of a few decades ago, but yet, in general, we have to be very careful in our own optimism. The postmodern religiosity does not mean a return to the traditional forms of religiosity, nor even does it mean a return to traditional European churches. As the characteristics of such religiosity, the author emphasizes non-institutionalism and narcissism, asking the question what king of God has come to us. In the concluding reflections an appearing emphasis is that the contemporary situation imposes the question of God as a fundamental theological question, but that theology should not be just talk about God, but rather a God’s speech relevant to the specific human existence.
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