• Biljana Stankov Novi Sad School of Business
  • Jelena Damnjanović Novi Sad School of Business
  • Milijana Roganović Visoka poslovna škola strukovnih studija, Novi Sad
Ključne reči: strani direktne investicije, strani investitori, Autonomna pokrajina Vojvodina, radna snaga, kvalitet obrazovanja, stučno usavršavanje


One of the measures for the promotion of economic development, which has been intensively applied in the region of the Autonomous Province of Vojvodina in recent years, refers to stimulation of FDI inflows. AP Vojvodina is considered to be a very attractive investment location, which especially stands out for its favorable geographical location, liberal foreign investment laws and labor laws, highly educated and skilled workforce that can be engaged at low costs, as well as the tax incentives and numerous financial incentives available interested foreign investors. Reviewing the scientific and professional literature, it can be concluded that the value of human capital has very often been investigated as a determinant of FDI inflows, and mainly expressed through the level and quality of education and skills of workers. By conducting a survey of foreign investors operating in the free investment zones of AP Vojvodina, it was concluded that the respondents were satisfied with the quality of education and professional development of the workforce. By analyzing the obtained research results, the authors of this empirical study, while respecting the opinions of other authors, simultaneously provided scientific contributions to the subject area, as well as practical contributions in the form of concrete recommendations for public policy makers, primarily foreign investment policy and education policy in the territory of AP Vojvodina


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