• Marija Anđelković University of Belgrade, Faculty of Special Education and Rehabilitation
Keywords: self-direction skills, functional literacy, communication skills, conceptual skills, visual impairment,


Conceptual skills enable the development of abilities necessary for controlling certain aspects of life. They include communication skills, functional literacy, and self-direction skills. The aim of this paper was to determine the acquisition of conceptual skills in persons with visual impairment. The research was conducted on a sample of 127 persons with visual impairment, 19-60 years of age. Conceptual Skills Domain of Adaptive Behavior Assessment System II (ABAS-II) was used to obtain data on the acquisition of conceptual skills. It was determined that age (p=0.001) and the category of visual impairment (blindness and low vision) (p=0.000) were significant factors for the acquisition of conceptual skills in persons with visual impairment. On the other hand, time when vision loss occurred was not a significant factor for acquiring conceptual skills in persons with visual impairment (p=0.195).




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