• Bojan Međedović Fakultet za sport i turizam, Novi Sad
  • Romana Romanov Fakultet za sport i turizam, Novi Sad
  • Zoran Đokić Fakultet za sport i turizam, Novi Sad
  • Dušan Perić Fakultet za sport i turizam, Novi Sad
  • Zlatko Ahmetović Fakultet za sport i turizam, Novi Sad


The bones play an important structural role in the organism. They provide mobility, support, and protect the body, and the place where the storage essential minerals. Healthy bones have a crucial impact on the overall health of a person, and activities that promote health and preventive influence on the formation of bone disease are crucial in maintaining a strong and healthy skeletal system. Physical inactivity affects the decrease in function of bone, and the most common disease of bone osteoporosis. Osteoporosis is a systemic skeletal disorder that results in low bone density and micro-architectural deterioration of bone tissue. Furthermore, osteoporosis is a disease characterized by a reduction of the bone mineral density and a structural deterioration of bone tissue that results in less bone density, and may lead to fracture. Physical activity is essential for bone health and prevention of osteoporosis. Based on available information, the best effect to maintain and stimulate the formation of bone mineral density is a combination of dynamic exercises with resistance training that engage multiple joints, large muscle groups, and have influence on the spine and hips. The results suggest that exercises with axial loading, such as running, jumping, and power exercise, promote the best gains in bone mineral density. Therefore, training should focus on the adaptation of specific parts of the body that is most susceptible to injury, and should be sufficiently intense that exceeds the normal loads.

Keywords: Bones, Exercise, Osteoporosis



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