Assessment of the single shot hit probability as a function of the horizontal range taking into account different target types and points of aim

  • Vadim L. Khaikov independent researcher
Keywords: hit probability, numerical solution, shooting target, double integrals, bullet dispersion, horizontal range, Mathcad,


This article presents a method for assessing the hit probability for stationary shooting targets as a function of the projectile horizontal range (PHR), the target type and the point of aim (POA) location. The proposed procedure consists of three blocks. Block I is devoted to the double integral formula taking into account changes in the point of impact (POI) location as a function of the PHR. The characteristics of bullet accuracy and precision versus the PHR are determined in block II. The basis of blocks I and II is the bi-variate uncorrelated Laplace-Gauss probability distribution. The functions of the POI location (ordinate/abscissa) versus the PHR and the functions of the characteristics of the bullet dispersion versus the PHR are represented in the form of polynomials. The description of the target silhouette contour is given in block III. Mathematically, the target contour is a piecewise function which defines the upper and lower edges of the shooting target and it also represents the limit for the double integral formula of block I. The proposed method is built on a modular basis and allows a user to change types of weapons and shooting targets. For demo calculations, the accuracy and precision characteristics of the 5.45×39 Kalashnikov assault rifle model MPi AK-74N were selected. Five types of Swiss military targets imitating an OPFOR combatant's silhouette were used as shooting targets. For illustrating the operability of the proposed method, the hit probabilities for the K, H, G, F, and E shooting targets were evaluated for the PHR from 50 to 400 m. All computations are implemented in the PTC Mathcad v.15.

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