• Nela Puskas Institute of Histology and Embryology „Prof. dr Aleksandar Đ. Kostić” Faculty of Medicine, University of Belgrade
Keywords: history, Institute of Histology and Embryology, Professor Aleksandar Đ. Kostić


Institute of Histology and Embryology "Prof. Dr. Aleksandar Đ. Kostić" this year celebrates one century since it has been established. The founder of the Institute, the first professor of histology and embryology and the first director of the Institute was Prof. Dr. Aleksandar Kostić, one of the last Renaissance figures of the XX century. With great effort, commitment and enthusiasm, from the room where nothing but the walls, floor, and ceiling were, he built the Institute as the most modern building in Southeast Europe, which had, at that time, extremely high quality conditions for teaching, extremely dedicated staff but also highly developed research, library, terminology, photo-film activity. After the bombing of Belgrade and the Institute building, he once again raised and set up the Institute during his lifetime, and then, due to ideological disagreements, was retired and removed from the faculty by force of law.  Because he experienced many injustices, all with an ideological background, until the end of his life he lived a life with incurable pain in his soul. He was rehabilitated posthumously in 2001.


Museum of Science and Technology, Collection of the Museum of the Serbian Medical Chamber, Inventory of the legacy of Professor Aleksandar Đ. Kostić (made by Vojislav Kostić).

Kostić VA. Život sa neprebolnim bolom u duši (Prof. dr Aleksandar Đ. Kostić 1893-1983). Beograd: Draganić; 2004.

Museum of Science and Technology, Collection of the Museum of the Serbian Medical Chamber, Letter from Dr. Miloš Đ. Popović to Aleksandar Kostić, dated December 14, 1920.

Museum of Science and Technology, Collection of the Museum of the Serbian Medical Chamber, Letter from Professor Subbotić to Aleksandar Kostić, dated January 28, 1921.

Museum of Science and Technology, Collection of the Museum of the Serbian Medical Chamber, Letter from Professor Subbotić to Aleksandar Kostić, dated February 27, 1921.

The State Archives of Serbia, Г-203 (The Faculty of Medicine), Registry for 1921, No. 51, January 20, 1921: Letter from Professor Vojislav Subbotić invaiting Dr. Eugen Ludvig from Basel to accept the position of Professor of Histology and Embryology in Belgrade.

Histološki zavod. Medicinski fakultet Univerziteta u Beogradu 1920-1935. Beograd: Medicinski fakultet; 1935.

Medicinski fakultet Univerziteta u Beogradu 1920 – 2000. Beograd: CIBIF; 2000.

Savićević M, urednik. Profesori Medicinskog fakulteta u Beogradu – od osnivanja do pedesetih XX veka – drugo dopunjeno i prerađeno izdanje. Beograd: CIBIF; 2003.

Bumbaširević V. Aleksandar Kostić (1893-1983). U: Đorđević V, urednik. Život i delo srpskih naučnika, knjiga 9. Beograd : Srpska akademija nauka i umetnosti; 2004. p 89-125.

Đuričić B, urednik. Medicinski fakultet Univerziteta u Beogradu 1905 – 1920 – 2005. Beograd: Medicinski fakultet; 2005.

Veljković S. Hronika Medicinskog fakulteta u Beogradu (1920 – 2010) Istorijat ljudi i događaju 1863 – 1920 – 2010. Beograd: CIBID; 2010.

The State Archives of Serbia, Г-203 (The Faculty of Medicine), Registry for 1922, No. 23, January 5, 1922: Dean issues the confirmation to Aleksandar Đ. Kostić that he began his duties on November 21, 1921.

The State Archives of Serbia, Г-203 (The Faculty of Medicine), Registry for 1922, No. 204, February 10, 1922: Dr. Aleksandar Đ. Kostić sends a request to the Dean asking for his salary to be paid as of November 21, 1921, sent to the Rector.

The State Archives of Serbia, Г-203 (The Faculty of Medicine), Letter from Aleksandar Đ. Kostić requesting his salary starting from the beginning of his employment, November 21, 1921.

The Faculty of Medicine, University of Belgrade, the Institute of Histology and Embryology „Prof. dr Aleksandar Đ. Kostić”, Official Archives – Kostić A. The History of the Establishment and Development of the Institute of Histology of the Faculty of Medicine in Belgrade (text was not published).

The Faculty of Medicine, University of Belgrade, the Institute of Histology and Embryology „Prof. dr Aleksandar Đ. Kostić”, Official Archives.

The State Archives of Serbia, Г-203 (The Faculty of Medicine), for 1922, Letter No. 423, March 14, 1922, Dean’s letter to the Rector of the University of Belgrade on the beginning of the course of Histology and Embryology.

Kostić A. Mikrofotografski atlas normalne histologije. Beograd: Napredak; 1925.

Kostić A Dj. Osvrt na licnost prof. dr. Riharda Burijana i na vreme osnivanja medicinskog fakulteta univerziteta u Beogradu [A retrospective view of Dr. Richard Burijan and the time of the founding of the medical school in Belgrade]. Srp Arh Celok Lek 1982; 110(3):387-98.

Jovanović Simić J, Toševa S. Kompleks Kliničkog centra Srbije: izmene prostorne celine i okruženja u 20. veku i neophodnost revitalizacije u 21. veku. Zbornik radova. Kulturno nasleđe i društvo (ne)ravnoteža teorije i prakse u kontekstu održivog razvoja, ekologije i zdravlja, 2018; p. 120-131.

Kostich A. L’institut d’histologie dela Faculté de Médecine de Begrade. In: Pearce RM, editor. Methods and Problems of Medical Education (Seventeenth Series). Departments and Institutes of Anatomy, Histology, and Embryology. New York: The Rockefeller Foundation; 1930. p 127-139.

Čolović R, urednik. Nastavnici Medicinskog fakulteta u Beogradu. knjiga II. Beograd: Medicinski fakultet u Beogradu; 2005.

The Faculty of Medicine, University in Belgrade, Institute of Histology and Embryology „Prof. dr Aleksandar Đ. Kostić”, Official Archives – Čanković J. Memo sent to the Secretariat of the Faculty of Medicine on the occasion of preparation of the celebration of the 50th anniversary of the Faculty.

Sulović V, Pavlović B. Aleksandar Dj. Kostić, istorijska licnost Srpske medicinske nauke [Aleksandar Dj. Kostić, a historical personality in Serbian medical science]. Srp Arh Celok Lek 1993; 121(8-12):164-5.

Bondžić D. Beogradski univerzitet 1944 – 1952. Beograd: ISI; 2004.

The Faculty of Medicine, University of Belgrade, The Institute of Forensic Medicine „Milovan Milovanović”, Official Archives – „Report on Dr. Aleksandar Kostić, Full Professor at the Faculty of Medicine, University of Belgrade”, July 17, 1942 (text was not signed).

Miloradov D. Građa za medicinski rečnik. Zbornik Matice Srpske za književnost i jezik 2019; 3:1043-1117.

The Faculty of Medicine, University of Belgrade, Official Archives of the Faculty, Proceedings from the session of the Academic Council of the Faculty of Medicine, held on January 24, 2001.

History of medicine