

Soil erosion has been at the forefront in degradation of soils under different land-use types in southeast Nigeria. Hence, this research was aimed at determining the erodibility of the soils under different land-use types in Mbano. The four land-use types selected were oil palm plantation (OP), cassava farm (CF), pineapple orchard (PO) and plantain plantation (PP). However, clay dispersion ratio (CDR), clay dispersion index (CDI) and clay flocculation index (CFI) was they erodibility indices used.  A total of 5 composite samples were collected randomly from each of the land uses at a depth of 0 – 20 cm using free survey. They samples were subjected to laboratory analysis. Data generated were analyzed statistically using completely randomized design of analyses of variance (ANOVA) and correlation. CDR had an increasing order of 47.92 % <48.16 % <51.49 % <56.24 % for soils under CF, PP, PO and OP, while CDI had 36.44 %, 29.06 %, 40.96 % and 49.04 % for soils under OP, CF, PO and PP land uses. CFI had 63.62 %, 71.24 %, 59.14 % and 50.96 % for soils under OP, CF, PO and PP, respectively. The ANOVA indicated that studied erodibility indices have no significant difference (p= 0.05) among the soils under the different land-uses. The research will guild farmers and other land-users in adopting only good conservation practices that will aid sustainability of the area and for pedotransfer purpose.

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