• Rodrigo Almeida Sousa Transdisciplinary Research Centre ‘Culture, Space and Memory’ (CITCEM), University of Porto
Ključne reči: Post-istina, Agresivnost, Predrasude, Idealizacija, Migranti, Izbjeglice


Neosporan je značaj pripovijedanja u medijima 21. Vijeka. Činjenice, same za sebe, ne zadovoljavaju našu potrebu za identitetom. Samo priče nas ispunjavaju osjećajem prepoznavanja i pripadanja. No, priče mogu i pogoršati našu emocionalnu i narcisističku reakciju; i upravo o tome se radi u pripovijedanju u ovom vremenu post-istine: umanjivanje vrijednosti činjenica, izazivanje osjećanja, izuzetna parcijalnost i  agresivna  retorika. Zasnovano na Frojdovoj teoriji narcisizma, naše istraživanje predlaže objektivni i interdisciplinarni model uz pomoć kojega možemo prepoznati, oslikati, i analizirati narcisističke modele u međumedijskom pripovijedanju današnjice. U suštini, ovo istraživanje pomoći će nam da bolje razumijemo priču izbjeglice Nudžin Mustafe, koja, čini se, odlično ilustruje eksplicitnu I implicitnu dinamiku ljubavi prema samom sebi.

Biografija autora

Rodrigo Almeida Sousa, Transdisciplinary Research Centre ‘Culture, Space and Memory’ (CITCEM), University of Porto

Rodrigo Almeida Sousa is a writer and academic researcher at CITCEM (University of Porto) with an interdisciplinary background: Philosophy (BA/Catholic University of Portugal), Literary Theory (MA/University of Lisbon) and Audiovisual Communication (PhD/Complutense University of Madrid - Outstanding Doctorate Award 2015-2016).

In his research, he usually relates cultural dynamics, trends, historical-social events with media supports and communicational paradigms, with a view to examining contemporary dilemmas, particularly regarding creativity, communication and social discourses. Lately, he has been focusing on digital cultures, sub-cultures and movements, generated and/or fostered within the post-truth environment and their reflection on audiovisual narratives (news, opinion, entertainment, film, TV, arts). As a writer/screenwriter, he has authored two successful children’s books (My School Would Make a Movie, 2011; Louie The Cootie, 2013) and award-winning short and full-length movie scripts (e.g. Gesto, A. B. Correia, 2011; Cova, L. Alves, 2011)


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