Examination of demographic factors of consumers ethnocenstrism

  • Goran Z Pavlović PhD student at Faculty of Economics University in Kragujuevac
Keywords: education, gender, age, income, consumer ethnocentrism,


The main aim of this research is ascertaining impact of demographic factors, i.e. age, gender, income and education on consumer ethnocentrism. Concept of consumer ethnocentrism, which represents customers attitude to buy domestic products, plays an important role in modern business conditions, which is characterized by expressed complexity, unpredictability and uncertainty of business market. Knowing the impact of demographic factors on consumers purchasing habits can facilitate the process of creating multinational business strategy and performing the process of segmentation, targeting and positioning. Respecting the main goal of this paper, the research was conducted on the territory of Republic of Serbia on a sample of 545 respondents. Results of the research showed that there is statistic positive relation between age and consumer ethnocentrism, negative relation between income, education and consumer ethnocentrism and absence of difference in consumer ethnocentrism level between males and females.

Author Biography

Goran Z Pavlović, PhD student at Faculty of Economics University in Kragujuevac


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