• Jelena M. Lukić Visoka škola modernog biznisa, Beograd
  • Snežana Lj. Lazarević Visoka sportska i zdravstvena škola, Beograd
Keywords: stress, employee, workplace, stressor, stress management, human resource management, organizational behavior


Workplace stress is a field of research interest of the academic community, but also of many human resource experts, since it has been realized that stress negatively affects the overall functioning of organizations and their business results. During the process of eliminating and/or reducing stress at the workplace, human resource experts should consider several factors and design adequate methods and techniques for stress management. The aim of this paper is to examine and point out the importance of a holistic approach to managing the issue of stress at the workplace. This paper presents methods and techniques for eliminating stress regarding the level at which they are applied (individual and organizational level) and regarding the time of the application (primary, secondary and tertiary). Stress management should be an integral part of organizational behavior and should include all business processes and activities in the organization.


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