Analysis and synthesis of silhouettes of frontal - and flank-attacking shooting targets using graphs

  • Vadim L. Khaikov independent researcher
Keywords: shooting target, geometric primitive, graph, adjacency matrix, Mathcad,


The goal of this contribution is to reveal the analytical framework and synthesis guidelines for frontal-attacking targets (FRATs) and flank-attacking targets (FLATs) from the point of view of a graph as a mathematical object. The final outcome of this study are three graph models that in many ways describe the shooting targets under consideration. The first graph model characterizes the structure of connections between the vertices using an undirected graph. The model showed that the complexity of silhouettes leads to an increase of the path in the graph and growth of the complexity of its internal structure. The second graph model allows the analysis of the connectivity of the graph vertices. In this case, a bipartite graph is used. As a result, the reviewed FRATs and FLATs are described by the same graph. The second model showed its indifference to the types of the used graphic primitives (GPs). The third graph model was developed for the analysis of the common borders of the neighboring GPs and it uses a bipartite graph. It is also indifferent to the types of the used GPs, but it takes into account the length of the common borders. The third model describes FRATs/FLATs groups in the same way. When using I-III models, one can design GPs and carry out the synthesis of new targets. A full group of flank-attacking targets consisting of five silhouettes and their GPs is offered.

Author Biography

Vadim L. Khaikov, independent researcher


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