Calculating friction force and thermal action of a jet engine jet on the inner surface of a tubular guide

  • Oleksandr M. Shyiko Sumy National Agricultural University
  • Anatoly М. Pavlyuchenko National Agricultural University, Sumy
  • Olexii А. Obukhov Research Center of Rocket Forces and Artillery, Sumy
Keywords: launcher, tubular guide, rocket, engine jet, boundary layer, friction force of the jet, heating the tubular guide,


Introduction/purpose: To study the dynamics of launchers with sources of high-energy gas jets, it is relevant to calculate shear forces from the action of a high-temperature supersonic jet on the inner surface of a cylindrical channel and the temperature of the channel walls. The aim of this work is to develop a comprehensive method for calculating aerodynamic friction and heating on the inner surface of a tubular guide of a rocket.

Methods/results: The research method is based on the theory of supersonic gas flows in cylindrical channels and the theory of the boundary layer. The gas jet is considered continuous, stationary and axisymmetric. The system of differential equations of motion of the projectile in the guide integrates numerically over time. The flow parameters in the pipe sections are found according to the dependences of the theory of supersonic gas flows, taking into account friction losses. To calculate shear stress on the guide wall, we use the relations of the asymptotic theory of the turbulent boundary layer, the theory of turbulent spots of Emmons of the transition boundary layer, and data on the Reynolds numbers of the beginning of the laminar-turbulent transition in wind tunnels. At the same time, the differential equation for heating the thin wall of the guide in the range of contact between the surface of the guide and the jet is numerically integrated. The calculations of the distribution of flow parameters, friction force and the temperature of the wall of the tubular guide during the movement of the projectile inside the jet from the moment the engine is started to the moment the shell exits completely from the guide are performed and graphically presented.

Conclusions: This method of calculating aerodynamic friction and heating on the inner surface of a tubular guide of a rocket due to a high temperature supersonic gas jet - taking into account the effects of nonisothermality, compressibility and laminar-turbulent transition in the boundary layer - can be used to study the dynamics of the launch of rockets from launchers equipped with tubular guides.

Author Biography

Oleksandr M. Shyiko, Sumy National Agricultural University
Candidate of Techn. Scien., the Associate Professor to Department of «Technical Service» of the Sumy National Agricultural University


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