New tuning formulae for the PI controller applied to processes with integral actions

  • Tomislav B. Šekara Faculty of Electrical Engineering University of Belgrade
  • Miroslav R. Mataušek Faculty of Electrical Engineering University of Belgrade
Keywords: Process control systems, Constrained optimization, Process identification, Tuning, PI controller,


A new model Gm(s), defined by the four measurable parameters ultimate gain, ultimate frequency, amplitude of ultimate oscillation and dead-time, is obtained from tangent to the Nyquist curve at the critical point. This model represents the generalization of the Ziegler-Nichols process dynamics characterization method, for a large class of stable, integrating and unstable processes Gp(s). In the present paper, by applying time and amplitude scaling technique to the model Gm(s), a new tuning formulae are developed for the PI controller. These tuning formulae guarantee almost optimal performance/robustness tradeoff for a large class of processes with integral action.

Author Biographies

Tomislav B. Šekara, Faculty of Electrical Engineering University of Belgrade
Signak end Systems,  docent professor
Miroslav R. Mataušek, Faculty of Electrical Engineering University of Belgrade
Signak end Systems, Professor


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