Classification methods for handwritten digit recognition: A survey

Keywords: handwritten digit recognition, image classification, support vector machine, deep neural networks, convolutional neural networks, hyperparameter optimization, swarm intelligence, MNIST


Introduction/purpose: This paper provides a survey of handwritten digit recognition methods tested on the MNIST dataset.

Methods: The paper analyzes, synthesizes and compares the develop- ment of different classifiers applied to the handwritten digit recognition prob- lem, from linear classifiers to convolutional neural networks.

Results: Handwritten digit recognition classification accuracy tested on the MNIST dataset while using training and testing sets is now higher than 99.5% and the most successful method is a convolutional neural network.

Conclusions: Handwritten digit recognition is a problem with numerous real-life applications. Accurate recognition of various handwriting styles, specifically digits is a task studied for decades and this paper summa- rizes the achieved results. The best results have been achieved with convolutional neural networks while the worst methods are linear classifiers. The con- volutional neural networks give better results if the dataset is expended  with data augmentation.



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