Interpolative generalised Meir-Keeler contraction

Keywords: Fuzzy metric space, common fixed points, weak compatibility, Interpolative generalised Meir-Keelar contraction


Introduction/purpose: The aim of this paper is to introduce the notion of an interpolative generalised Meir-Keeler contractive condition for a pair of self maps in a fuzzy metric space, which enlarges, unifies and generalizes the Meir-Keeler contraction which is for only one self map. Using this, we establish a unique common fixed point theorem for two self maps through weak compatibility. The article includes an example, which shows the validity of our results.

Methods: Functional analysis methods with a Meir-Keeler contraction.

Results: A unique fixed point for self maps in a fuzzy metric space is obtained.

Conclusions: A fixed point of the self maps is obtained. 


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