Application of Cube IQ software and multicriteria optimization models for the selection of vehicles for the transport of goods in the Serbian Armed Forces

  • Ivana D. Đuričić Serbian Armed Forces, Directorate for Logistics, Central Logistics Base, First Warehouse Battalion, Gornji Milanovac, Republic of Serbia
Keywords: fuzzy logic, fuzzy set, ATPP, LMAW, cube IQ, Matlab


Introduction/purpose: An adequate selection of vehicles used for the transport of goods is a very important factor that affects the economical and rational use of vehicle fleets, as well as the quality and efficiency of carrying out transport activities in the Serbian Armed Forces. The goal of this work is to design a model that should be of help to the traffic service authorities to select the vehicle that is best for the performance of the assigned transport task based on the defined criteria.

Мethods: This paper therefore proposes a model for the selection of vehicles for the transport of goods using a fuzzy logic system, as a type of artificial intelligence system. In order to solve the problem of choosing a vehicle for the transport of goods, five criteria are defined in the work based on a survey of the commanders of the transport lines, which represent the input values in the fuzzy logic system.The vehicle is selected based on five criteria. The input variables are represented by three membership functions, while the output variable is defined by five membership functions. All the rules in the fuzzy logic system are determined using the rule premise weight aggregation method (ATPP), which enables the formation of a rule base based on experience. By applying this method and based on the number of input variables and the number of their membership functions, a base of 243 rules was defined. The values of the weighting coefficients of the membership functions were determined using the LMAW method. A user "interface" program was created for the developed fuzzy logic system, which enables the practical application of this model.

Rеsults: The model was tested on the example of choosing the optimal vehicle for goods transported to the IVP "Pasuljanske livade" in 2020. The selection of the optimal means of transport was made among the transport motor vehicles that are most used in the Serbian Army, namely: TAM 150 T11, FAP 2026 and FAP 1118. After packing all three vehicles with these goods in Cube IQ and after performing calculation and evaluation of individual vehicles in the user "interface" program, the values of the output variable for each vehicle were obtained. The obtained values for each vehicle were ranked and the optimal vehicle for the transport of defined goods was shown to be the FAP 1118.

Conclusion: The significance of this study is that it is among the first ones to demonstrate the application of a model based on artificial intelligence that solves the problem of vehicle selection for the transportation of movable assets. The study provides considerable opportunity for further research.


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