Evaluation of steel turning by means of probability – based multi - objective optimization with appropriate numbers of attributes

Keywords: multi – objectives, cluster analysis, independent attributes, linear correlation coefficient, metal turning


Introduction/purpose: Turning is a typical machining process. However, an appropriate solution for a concurrent optimization of minimizing surface roughness, minimizing cutting forces and vibrations, and maximizing the material removal rate in turning processes has not been found yet. This article formulates the rule of separating an independent attribute from multiple attributes by using the linear correlation coefficient in the spirit of the cluster analysis first. Moreover, the evaluation of the concurrent optimization of steel turning by means of probability - based multi - objective optimization (PMOO) is taken as an example to show the procedure including the separation of an independent attribute from multiple attributes by using PMOO.

Methods: PMOO is a promising solution for turning processes. It is necessary to have an independent attribute in the evaluation of PMOO to be analogical as an independent event in the view of the probability theory. The separation of an independent attribute from multiple attributes by using the linear correlation coefficient is conducted in the spirit of the cluster analysis. It further assumes that if the linear correlation coefficient of two attributes in the cluster analysis is higher than 0.8, i.e., in case of very strong correlation, then they could be put into one category, and only one of them could be taken as an independent attribute to join the evaluation of PMOO.

Results: The formulation reflects the essence of PMOO and its application in material machining rationally, which opens a new way for solving the relevant problem. The example of the parameter optimization of steel turning by means of PMOO indicates the rationality of the appropriate solution.

Conclusion: This innovative study has practical significance of making the utilization of PMOO method reasonable by providing a rational rule of separating independent attributes from multiple attributes of PMOO.


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