Security of wireless keyboards: threats, vulnerabilities and countermeasures

  • Siniša V. Jovanović Serbian Armed Forces, General Staff, Telecommunications and Information Security Directorate (J-6), Centre for Applied Mathematics and Electronics, Belgrade, Republic of Serbia
  • Danijela D. Protić Serbian Armed Forces, General Staff, Telecommunications and Information Security Directorate (J-6), Centre for Applied Mathematics and Electronics, Belgrade, Republic of Serbia
  • Vladimir D. Antić Serbian Armed Forces, General Staff, Telecommunications and Information Security Directorate (J-6), Centre for Applied Mathematics and Electronics, Belgrade, Republic of Serbia
  • Milena M. Grdović Serbian Armed Forces, General Staff, Telecommunications and Information Security Directorate (J-6), Centre for Applied Mathematics and Electronics, Belgrade, Republic of Serbia
  • Dejan A. Bajić Serbian Armed Forces, General Staff, Telecommunications and Information Security Directorate (J-6), Centre for Applied Mathematics and Electronics, Belgrade, Republic of Serbia
Keywords: wireless keyboard, radio frequency, electromagnetic emission, software defined radio


Introduction/purpose: This paper provides an overview of research on computer system vulnerabilities caused by compromised electromagnetic radiation by wireless keyboards. Wireless devices that use event-triggered communication have been shown to have critical privacy issues due to the inherent leakage associated with radio frequency emissions. Wireless connectivity technology is a source of signal emanation that must be protected in terms of performance and security.

Methods: Wireless device vulnerabilities and side-channel attacks are observed, along with electromagnetic emission of radio waves.

Results: The findings highlight a specific wireless keyboard's security and encryption flaws. The results of penetration testing reveal vulnerabilities of targeted wireless keyboards in terms of outdated firmware, encryption, wireless reliability, and connection strength.

Conclusion: Wireless keyboards have security flaws that disrupt radio communication, giving a malicious user complete access to the computer to which the keyboard is connected. An attacker can steal sensitive data by observing how the system works using compromised electromagnetic emissions.


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