• Dragana Obačkić Fakultet političkih nauka Banja Luka, master student
Keywords: Legitimate authority, country, tacit consent, John Locke, John Rawls


Political theory often raises the question of how to establish an authority that is legitimate, the latter implying that the said authority does not threaten the autonomy of the will of an individual, which, according to modern political theory, is a condition allowing us  speak about authority over citizens. Otherwise, we could talk about subjects of that authority, which is not relevant for this paper. In order to preserve the autonomy of the will of an individual, it is necessary that the decision-makers of the authorities voluntarily consent to them. There are different types of consent in political theory and practice, among which are explicit and tacit consent. This paper deals with the phenomenon of tacit consent, more precisely with an analysis of the concept of tacit consent in the doctrines of John Locke and John Rawls.


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Preliminary Report