• Oleg Soldat Filozofski fakultet
Keywords: Aby Warburg, symbolism, Ernst Cassirer, ascending and descending; sign, Davos, Holocaust


The subject of this paper concerns two mechanisms wich help philosophy to circumvente the subject of Holocaust. These are: the philosophy of Heidegger and the neo-marxists tenets of so called Frankfurt School, especially those of Theodor Adorno. While Heidegger is seen in this paper as a resulting prioritization of chtonic symbolism within the the culture of Wiemar Germany, which pushes out the alternative of Ernst Cassirer, the leftist matrix of Adorno’s thought is equally seen as a distancing paradigm that abolishes Biblical language, through metaphysics. Paper investigates in some details these mechanisms which aim at abolishing strategic solutions of both Jewish nation and Holocaust – in the package of Zionist ideals. Author sees philosophical fixation on generic trajectoria of man-as-species, as a way of devious handling of the specifics of the Jewish existence.


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