Creative techniques as procedures for stimulating creativity and expression, which allow one to become aware of feelings, thoughts, and other contents from their own experience with the help of the media have recently found adequate application and produced solid results in social work. The academic course unit of Creative Techniques in Social Work, which is taught at the Study Programme of Social Work at the Faculty of Political Sciences in Banja Luka, is designed so that students, in addition to theoretical content, acquire skills and initial experiences in their practical application. The paper presents the results obtained by applying the focus group method, which featured the students of the Study Programme of Social Work. The content of the focus group activities is the students' reflection on the following: the content of the course unit, the teaching method, the involvement of students in the implementation of tasks, and the possibility of using creative techniques in social work. The analysis of the content of the focus group work shows that the students perceive this teaching method as innovative, since it requires their active approach to work and participation, and it allows elaboration of topics considered important for their profession, which opens new perspectives in social work with clients. According to the students, this course unit enables them to gain their own experience of using certain techniques and the media, gives them an opportunity to express themselves creatively, to develop critical thinking, as well as to become more sensitive towards problems of social work.
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