Introduction of the unified communications information system E-112

  • Drage T. Petreski Military academy - Skopje Republic of Macedonia
  • Andrej P. Iliev Military academy - Skopje Republic of Macedonia
  • Aleksandra D. Petreska Univerzity of Skopje, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technologies – Skopje
Keywords: European number 112, solutions, information systems, Implementation, countries, Communities, benefit, unification,


The introduction of the European emergency number 112 in the Republic of Macedonia should provide benefits that will be implemented and regulated in accordance with the European legislative framework. This number has already provided numerous benefits to all member states of the European Union. Its implementation should be supported by the introduction of the latest technology information and communication solutions, hardware and software solutions tailored to the situation in the country. It will replace four current phone numbers for emergency calls that are a responsibility of the Ministry of Interior (192), local fire units (193), emergency care (194) and the Center for Crisis Management (195). These numbers are planned to be replaced by the European emergency number 112 together with its full implementation into the integrated information - communication center.

Author Biography

Drage T. Petreski, Military academy - Skopje Republic of Macedonia
PhD, Crisis management, Menagement defense.
Professional Papers