Psihološka istraživanja is the journal of the Institute of Psychology, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Belgrade. The journal is financially supported by the Ministry of Science and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia and has been published twice a year since 2010. Today, the journal has the status of an international scientific journal according to the categorization of the Ministry of Science and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia (category M23). It has an international Editorial Board and Advisory Board and is indexed by: SCIndeks, DOAJ, CEEOL. The main mission of Psihološka istraživanja is to publish high quality original papers covering relevant topics from the entire field of psychology as well as neighboring disciplines. Our goal is to promote research with a focus on socially relevant content from various areas of psychology. We publish manuscripts that are useful to researchers, practitioners, and policy makers. The journal supports the development of psychology as a culturally sensitive, critical, and socially engaged science, as well as the social engagement of psychologists. In line with that, one of the journal’s missions is to support the publication of research that can serve as a source of information and recommendations for the creation of society’s development documents, strategies, and policies in various domains of social life, based on data collected in scientific research. We are open to a variety of theoretical and methodological approaches that help authors to gain new insights. We accept for review: original scientific papers, scientific review papers, conference proceedings, scientific critiques, professional papers, debates, and commentaries. We welcome prospective authors to propose a special issue with a compilation of studies on a particular topic.We provide Online First service to our authorswhichlets users access peer reviewed articles well before print publication. These articles are searchable and citable by their DOI (Digital Object Identifier). Psihološka istraživanja is an open access journal, which means that all articles can be downloaded free of charge and used according to the Creative Commons license (CC BY-SA). All our articles are freely available from the date of publication. We do not charge our authors for publication or editing, nor do we charge readers (users) for downloading articles. The editorial team would especially like to encourage young researchers to submit their manuscripts and go through the review process, which can be challenging but also offers opportunities for learning. 

Published: 2023/06/30