A Word from the Guest Editor
This supplement issue of the Archives of Pharmacy includes abstracts from the 8th Congress of Pharmacists of Serbia with international participation, held in Belgrade from October 12 to 15, 2022, and organized by the Pharmaceutical Associations of Serbia (SFUS).
The slogan of the congress "The right time for the pharmacy pulse" sends a symbolic message that it is high time to remove our masks, to acknowledge the scientific achievements in the previous period, to reflect on the contribution of the pharmaceutical community during the COVID-19 pandemic and, empowered with new knowledge, look forward to the future scientific and health challenges.
The members of the Scientific Committee of 8th Congress of Pharmacists of Serbia with international participation built the main program covering the multidisciplinarity of pharmaceutical science, pharma digitalization, and demands for the integral approaches in different areas where pharmacists work. The scientific program of the congress includes 4 plenary lectures, 81 invited lectures, 31 oral presentations and more than 170 poster presentations from various fields of pharmaceutical science.
Top experts and scientists involved in the contemporary research shared new achievements and directions in pharmaceutical science; while the specialists from professional practice, presented how evidence-based pharmacy improves the use of medicines and better health outcomes.
I would like to acknowledge all the members of the Scientific Committee of the 8th Congress of Pharmacists of Serbia for their outstanding engagement and teamwork in proposing the lecturers within 25 sessions of the main program of the congress, reviewing submitted abstracts and moderating individual sessions.
On behalf of the Scientific Committee of the 8th Congress of Pharmacists of Serbia, I thank all the lecturers and authors of the poster presentations for their significant contribution to the quality of the congress, believing that we will continue to push the boundaries of science through curiosity and to advance our pharmaceutical profession.
Without further ado, enjoy reading this excellent supplement issue of Archives of Pharmacy!
Prof. Katarina Vučićević, PhD PharmD
President of the Scientific Committee
8th Congress of Pharmacists of Serbia
Supplement of the Archives of Pharmacy No.4
Abstracts from the 8th Congress of Pharmacists of Serbia with international participation “The right time for pharmacy pulse” – October 12-15, 2022 in Belgrade, Republic of Serbia
President of the Scientific Committee:
Prof. Katarina Vučićević, PhD PharmD, University of Belgrade – Faculty of Pharmacy
Members of the Scientific Committee:
vanr. prof. dr Aleksandra Catić
vanr. prof. dr Danijela Đukić
prof. dr Jelena Kotur Stevuljević
vanr. prof. dr Katarina Nikolić
prof. dr Maja Tomić
vanr. prof. dr Milica Atanacković Krstonošić
prof. dr Nataša Jovanović Lješković
dr sc. Nenad Miljković
prof. dr Sandra Vezmar Kovačević
prof. dr Silvana Petrović
prof. dr Slađana Šobajić
prof. dr Snežana Savić
prof. dr Valentina Marinković
prof. dr Vladimir Jakovljević
prof. dr Zorica Stojić Vukanić